A typical homeowners insurance policy includes several types of coverages, coverage limits and deductibles. Consider how the following can help ensure your home and assets are covered:
- Types of Coverage
- Coverage Limits
- Deductible Amounts
If you’re looking to find better protection for your home, contact your Greenway agent today!

Dwelling coverage
First of all, make sure you have dwelling coverage. This will protect your home in the event of a natural disaster like a hurricane. The amount of coverage you need will depend on the value of your home.
Second, make sure you have flood insurance. A lot of people don’t realize that their homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flood damage, but it’s very important coverage to have.
By following these two tips, you can make sure your home is protected in the event of a natural disaster.

Personal property coverage
Personal property coverage can help you pay for the personal items in your home that may be damaged or destroyed by a covered cause of loss, which could include your furniture, clothes, sporting goods and electronics. Special limits of liability may apply to certain items. The truth is that most people don’t have enough protection from their homeowners policy-and they don’t know it until it’s too late. That’s because there are key coverages they might not even know about-coverages that would protect them if disaster struck. And when disaster does strike, these same coverages also provide important financial assistance with getting you back on your feet again while you rebuild your life and home. To find out more about how you can protect yourself, your family and your belongings, visit greenway-ins.com/request-a-quote/.
Don’t forget to ask about special coverages for certain items like artwork – which is brilliant.

Personal liability coverage
It’s no secret that the cost of homeowners insurance has gone up. And with all the natural disasters, fires, and other catastrophes in recent memory, you might be feeling like your coverage isn’t enough. It is possible to find better protection without breaking the bank. Here are some tips to help you make sure your policy is as good as it can be:
- Know if there are any special conditions that may limit or enhance your liability coverage (e.g., if your dog bites somebody)
- Talk to your agent about personal umbrella liability insurance. This will provide extra coverage in the event that you are sued for more than your homeowners insurance policy would payout
- Raise your deductible. This will lower your premiums, but make sure you have enough money saved to cover it if something happens
Making sure you have the right homeowners insurance policy is important. With these tips, you can make sure you have the best possible coverage at a price you can afford.

Other structures coverage
You know how expensive it can be to repair or replace your home. You also know that the value of your property is only as valuable as its condition. That’s why homeowners insurance is so important! If something happens to cause damage, like a fire or natural disaster, then other structures coverage can help pay for covered damages to detached structures on your property like garages, sheds and fences.

Loss of use coverage
What happens in the event of a covered loss and you have a house that needs restoration?
You’re not alone. Whether it’s from an accident, natural disaster, or another event, many people find themselves in this position and need to know what to do next. Most homeowners’ policies cover loss of use. If they do, the limits are often low for coverage periods over 30 days. But there is hope! Loss of use coverage can help pay your additional living expenses while your home is being restored – subject to terms and limits. Loss of use insurance typically covers these things:
1. Additional living expenses (housing costs)
2. Moving and storage (moving your household goods to another location during repair/restoration of your home)
Get a quote today, or talk with an agent about your options.